Monday, February 11, 2013

Three in One

As I continue to hear about the fascinating Indian beliefs I now know of the great Indian Gods or God.... Just that all wrapped up into one major god are three gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Brahma (Just above) Is the god of water and life here for the Hindu people. I really like the idea of water for the god of life seeing that water is one of the key necessities to bring life to any civilization, especially India who relies on the monsoon annually for its crops and survival.

This is the god of preserving life and maintaining life in the universe. He was once a lesser god, but stories of him going on several quest through the Vedas and other stories have risen his popularity over the years. Praying to him is seen as the everyday prayer to keep going in the current moment, and that you may preserve your life for another day to come as long as Vishnu is constantly watching over.                                                                                  
Last is Shiva, she is the liberator and the destroyer, and i guess the end to cycle of Hindu life. She brings the destruction and end to life when the time is ready, but is also known for liberation and protecting of the areas. I can't wait to learn more about the gods, and i also found out about this great psychedelic tea at our next stop!!

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